When purchasing a piece of property for your business or personal use, it is likely that you will have invested in real estate title insurance to protect your right to the property. Unfortunately, there is a possibility that you will have to defend this right. Hiring a qualified real estate insurance litigation attorney in Georgia from the Hasson Law Group, LLP will give you the protection you need if you are either pursuing a real estate insurance claim or are being pursued. An experienced attorney from our firm will have the experience necessary to manage the problems you could be facing.
What Does a Georgia Real Estate Insurance Litigation Attorney Do?
In most cases, a real estate insurance litigation attorney will have ample experience in many aspects of real estate from zoning and boundary disputes to closing a transaction on commercial or residential properties. They will understand the inner workings of a transaction from beginning to end as well as the process for ensuring that there is a clear title on a property. A clear title means that there are no encumbrances on the property that might allow an individual or an entity to claim that they have a right to the property. This is essential when you are purchasing a property.
When Should You Get Help from an Attorney in Atlanta?
If an individual or an entity is turning to you with a claim that they have a right to the property you have purchased, or that money is owed before they can remove their right to the property that you have purchased, you may be in a situation where litigation is possible. Getting the advice of a real estate insurance litigation attorney in Atlanta can provide you with information that you need to move forward and protect your claim on the property. It is in this instance that you will find the assistance of a knowledgeable professional from Hasson Law Group, LLP to be invaluable.
Learn More About What a Georgia Litigation Attorney Can Do for You
Whether you are at the point of litigation or you suspect you might have a problem and need more information, our team of Georgia real estate litigation attorneys at the Hasson Law Group, LLP can help. We will take a close look at the situation and provide you with information about your status and what you can expect going forward. Don’t wait until the problem ends up in court. Call us today at Hasson Law Group, LLP to learn more about your rights by calling 678-701-2869.